Cause and effect
Hot take: Adults wearing diapers really shouldn’t be a big deal
But even though a lot of people might agree with this idea, the people who actually need to wear diapers often feel ashamed of themselves; ashamed to acknowledge it or to talk about that facet of their existence at all–and people who actually kinda like having them as part of their personal aesthetic often feel like something must be seriously wrong with them
But why?
What about diapers makes them instantly such a powerful magnet for so many bad vibes?
- Is it because they imply something gross about your hygiene?
- Is it because they are something normal people “grow out of” needing?
- Is it because they imply you have an embarrassing disability? (Bonus hot take: No disability should be seen as “embarrassing”)
Maybe some combination of all the above?
I’d like to challenge these things, because one of my biggest hopes is that I can help normalize diapers as a thing people can wear–for any reason at all! Medical reasons, physical reasons, emotional reasons, joke reasons, curiosity reasons…any reason at all!
Why is normalization important?
The main thing to keep in mind is that diapers are actually an incredibly human thing to wear; they were invented by humans, and are primarily worn by humans!
They’ve also improved the living conditions of people in incredibly important ways, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that their invention has prevented an unimaginable amount of death and suffering throughout their history; basically, I guess what I’m trying to get at is that, their invention was important
But why is this relevant?
Because, sure–obviously they are important! But so are a multitude of other things that you probably don’t like, right? How does this all translate to diapers themselves being important to “normalize”?
The distinction here is, diapers were created to improve the lives of the people who wear them
And by labeling something designed for the benefit of individual people–something these people will be associated with; as “bad”, the negative feelings of the object inadvertently transfer to the humans they are associated with. Meaning a person who is associated with diapers is a person with a more difficult life because of their lack of normalization
And that’s awful
Basically, normalizing diapers is important because there are a lot of reasons that people will be associated with them! And I don’t think that any of those reasons are adequate justifications for someone to effectively be tormented by society
But what about the weirdos who like them?
So, you might concede that normalizing adults wearing diapers normalizes incontinence–removing the stigma that a lot of people face by being subjected to something unpleasant about their everyday lives
But what about the people who don’t need them? After all, they’re just weirdos who we shouldn’t encourage to fly their freak flags unchallenged, right? But here’s the thing…
How do you know why someone likes diapers?
Isn’t it incredibly presumptuous to assume that someone wearing one who isn’t incontinent must therefore be doing it for the wrong reasons?
The thing is, there are people who wear diapers for comfort or security reasons, there are people who wear them for emotional ones, there are even people who just straight-up have a preference with no external reason at all! By and large, the biggest thing the “weirdos who like diapers” have in common, is that they are people who find that diapers improve their lives in one way or another
I’d like to repeat that because it’s important
Someone who likes diapers, is someone who finds that they positively impact their life!
We are talking about the ability for someone to passively improve their emotional wellbeing for the simple tradeoff of slapping on something that was made to improve the lives of humans to begin with!
Why should someone “liking a thing” disqualify them from being able to improve their life with it? Is it because you “shouldn’t” like them? And if so, isn’t that such a bizarre justification when you break it down to its core?
So yes! I think it’s okay to need diapers; and it’s even okay to like them!
Diapers are a thing that exist because they improve the lives of people–and I think that any way that they improve someone’s life is a valid one
The fact that diapers have such stigma attached to them, and the fact that they have so many negative associations is…not great!
Normalizing diapers to help reduce those negative associations would be amazing! Especially so that the people whose lives are genuinely improved by them don’t need to simultaneously feel like that improvement was a mistake
Normalizing diapers, normalizes people